Saturday, April 28, 2018

Faiths of Sublanarya: The Mother Plenty (Aphizia) & Honey-Blessed

Queen Aphizia is one of the nobility of the Court of Dawn but her origins are stranger than fey. She is an alien goddess, like Grimnir, who comes from beyond the stars. She made her home in Narya, long ago, and made herself a kingdom that would make anyone jealous. Her fey kingdom is a gorgeous and endless valley of wildflowers and fruit trees, the air humming with the busy work of fey bees and the singing of her children the kleodora, and in the middle of it all her massive golden castle. Inside, she sits upon her throne, attended and attending to her children.

She has had at least a short relationship with Aurellion that often leads their priests to be at odds.

Aphiza is a goddess whose cults find their way into desolate lands. Her daughters, the kleodora, are beautiful, alien and secretive missionaries who work to spread her influence into these lands by offering gifts of fresh produce and honey. While perhaps put-off by the strange appearance of the kleodora, desperate communities welcome them. It does not take long for the kleodora to offer to give the gift of apiaries, bee hives, and, in exchange for a small temple being built, teaching acolytes how to raise and care for the bees. Within a year, they can turn a famine into a bounty, but in following years, the queen gets her payment.

In order to appease her and the bees, Aphizia demands a yearly human sacrifice. The more elaborate and joyous the festival, despite the gruesome execution of the sacrifice, the better the following season's harvest. Such is the wicked pleasure of a goddess both alien and fey.

Those who fail to appease the queen are punished swiftly either by a plague of flying insects or worse. She is known to make deals, especially from women, for anything from a good harvest or a cured illness. But there is always a price and she is an easily offended goddess.

Particularly pleasing communities are even known to be "pollinated" by the kleodora and these children are called the "honey-blessed". Honey-blessed are often priests and agents of the goddess. Honey-Blessed are notoriously gifted with the beauty and wisdom of their forebearers. The features that stand out are their antennae, which they usually disguise by laying them down in their hair, a thin-layer of fine hair across their body and their eyes which have a composite pattern. While most honey-blessed serve the Mother Plenty, others escape their cult life and attempt a free-life. But the mother does not forget her children.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2 and your Charisma increases by 1.
Age. Honey-Blessed have lifespans equivalent to humans.
Alignment. Most honey-blessed are lawful sense the represent the authority of the cult and enforce it with a smile, so they tend towards lawful alignments. Those that break free from the cult might rebel and embrace freedom.
Size. A half-kleodora has the build of a human woman. Your size if medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can't put you to sleep.
Mother's Blessing. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Insect Empathy. You have an innate ability to communicate with insects. You have the ability to communicate simple ideas through sounds and gestures with insect-like creatures.
Sting. You know the Infestation cantrip. Your infestation cantrip's spell manifests as a swarm of fey bees. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Honeyed Words. Your bodily fluids have hypnotic qualities that allow you a limited version of the hivemind-like effect used by kleeodora. When your magic saliva, sweat or tears is consumed, via skin contact or ingestion, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails it is charmed by you until the effect ends, after 1 hour, or until you or your companions do something harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. You can only affect a number of creatures with this spell equal to your level. If you attempt to use it on an additional creature, the effect must end on affected creature of your choice. If a creature succeeds, nothing happens and they are immune to this ability for 24 hours. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this effect.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

The Giver, The Golden Queen, The Queen Bee, The Hivemind


Power Level
Lesser Deity

Lawful Evil

A golden hexagon with black stripes

Bees, insects, harvests, fertility, beauty


Farmers, bee-keepers, druids, witches, midwives

Favored Weapon

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