Thursday, September 21, 2017

Character Crunch: Merfolk

In every port tavern in Sublanarya, there is a salty sailor who will tell anyone willing to listen about their encounter with the mysterious, secretive and almost legendary merfolk. They talk of humanoids with skin, hair and eyes as colorful as the tropical fish of the sea. They are humanoid from the pelvis up and usually have a fish's tail, pointed fin-like ears, webbed fingers, and gills. Some tell stories of being rescued from shipwrecks by sympathetic maids with glimmering tails and others claim to have been held prisoner in underwater dungeons for days. There are stories of domed underwater cities and mobile fortresses built on the backs of great sea leviathans. These would all seem to be tall tales but, every now and then, evidence points to the contrary.

The truth is that merfolk prefer to keep to themselves. Land dwellers have their problems and sea dwellers have their own problems. In the opinion of the merfolk, it is better this way. Too often has the greed and ambition of land dwellers threatened their civilizations and so, they remain elusive, enigmatic and ever just out of sight. If the mortals could see the wonders that the merfolk have built, they would be enchanted.

Merfolk build great cities at the bottom of the sea, often magically sealed like great bubbles of glass, as far and secure from threats from above as possible, and built to defend themselves against their enemies such as the sahaguin. They also guard themselves and the rest of the world against ancient horrors that, if they weren't kept at bay, could destroy the world. This is why they are cautious to allow strangers into their cities. They fear subterfuge, whether intentional or accidental, from those who wouldn't understand the costs of their actions.

As individuals, merfolk are curious about the world above, even if they're generally forbidden to interact with it. Those that do are often reprimanded or even punished by being exiled from the great cities. Still, some merfolk can't help but want to know more. The sea floor is littered with the shipwrecks. The merfolk salvage these ships for valuables, especially coveting magical items and machinery, but also cultural items like clothing, which is odd as most merfolk wear little clothing except as accessories, and books, which contain the knowledge that many merfolk crave as entertainment, are particularly popular on the "treasure market".

As for merfolk adventurers, they tend to be chosen by the gods of the sea, especially Delfina, to receive the gift to transform between their flippered and bipedal forms. These chosen emissaries are seen as blessed by some merfolk civilizations and cursed by others. Those are the merfolks that players can choose to play in Sublanarya. They tend to be spellcasters, from druids and clerics to witches and wizards, as well as martial classes like rogues and rangers.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.
Age. Merfolk reach maturity by age 20 and can live up to 200 years.
Alignment. A merfolk's alignment, like the sea, tends to be not governed by the tides. They tend towards neutrality but merfolk nobility tends toward lawful alignments and merfolk that live apart from their underwater city tend towards chaotic alignments.
Size. Merfolk are medium sized humanoids.
Speed. Merfolk have a base walking speed of 30 feet in their land form and have a swim speed that is 2/3 of your base walking speed (min. 20 feet).
Amphibious. Merfolk can breathe air and water.
Dark Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Sea-Borne. You have a deep understanding of sea-life. You can communicate simple ideas with beasts that live in the sea or breathe water. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You also have advantage on identifying sea-life with Intelligence (Nature) checks and dealing with sea-life with Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks).
Of the Depths. You have a resistance to cold damage and you ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.
Emissary of the Sea. You have the ability to polymorph between a land form and an aquatic form as a bonus action. When you shift into the aquatic form, you can only move yourself on land while prone and your walking speed becomes 1/3 of your base walking speed in your land form. Your swim speed becomes 10 feet faster than your base walking speed in your land form.
The gear on your lower body magically melds or changes to fit your aquatic or land forms. 
Bounty of the Sea. Merfolk have learned many skills by observing human civilization and studying their shipwrecks. You gain proficiency in two skills and/or sets of tool proficiencies of your choice.
Extra Languages. In addition to common, you can also speak, understand, write, read in Aquan and one additional language.

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