Friday, January 12, 2018

Martyrdom: The Twelve Virtues & Sainthood


The Nameless God is absent. This is a charge held by heretics and critics alike. Yet, while he is lost, the Lost God is not forgotten. Like all the gods, he has servants. The good gods of Narya are usually served by hosts of spirits and celestial beings. The most famous among humankind are probably angels.

Angels are celestial beings born from the very essence of positive energy found in the Heavens. Typically, they resemble winged humanoids with idyllic features but some are formed into stranger shapes by their god's purpose. Regardless of form, they seek out good gods to serve as messengers, warriors and overseers. Even chaotic good gods rely on lawful good angels to carry out tasks and can rely upon the angel to carry out any given duty.

Angels are incapable of committing acts that stray from the path of order and good. They destroy evil without hesitation and their judgement is supernatural. Still, this superior power and position in the cosmic hierarchy has spelled tragedy for many angels who allow their pride to get the best of them.

Angels that commit evil deeds are marked and cast out of the Heavens by their kind. These are the fallen. The fallen retain their powers but lose their connection to the celestial plane. Some fallen angels seek redemption by committing themselves to undoing the harm they've caused or living humbly until the gods offer them a chance to prove themselves worthy of the heavens but others become resentful of the gods and become corrupted. Some of the most dangerous fiends were once angels that were brought down in this way.

There are three levels of angel most commonly known:

The deva are the messengers of the gods. They often disguise themselves and live lives on the material plane, either as priests or humble do-gooders, until forced out of their form to fulfill some higher purpose such as aiding a chosen hero. In their true form, deva are beautiful humanoids with feathery wings and lustrous eyes.

Planetars are weapons of the gods. They can use their divine power to create miracles or blights upon the land. It is impossible to lie to a planetar. They are difficult to deal with and are disgusted by dishonesty in even the smallest form. When forced to work with mortals directly, they prefer to aid powerful mortals who seek to battle fiends. Their true form is taller than any humanoid and they brandish greatswords with grace.

Solar wield god-like power that strikes fear into the heart of the most powerful fiends. A solar can kill even some lesser gods with a single arrow. They are less human-like than their lesser counterparts with some even taking on warped appearances. After all, solars spend most of their time in deep contemplation far from the struggles of material or even outsider problems. There are only a few dozen solar known to dwell in the heavens. The rest wait in some dimension beyond time and space, contemplating their purpose, and preparing themselves for the final battle.

The Nameless Gods's most powerful servants are the the Twelve. The Twelve are solar, the most powerful type of angelic beings, that have each taken a vow to hold watch over the world and his children until his promised return. These Twelve are more proactive in the religion of their god and are often represented alongside the Nameless God in Xalhoteccan art. They each are said to represent one of the virtues, morallly excellent qualities, that all people should aspire to live out in their actions. Rather than pray directly to their god, it is more common to pray to one of the Twelve or a corresponding saint that represents that virtue. Each saint's story embodies the virtue and the challenges of doing good.

Symbol: Flaming Heart

Kerubiel is the Angel of Courage. He is a celestial spirit of fire and light. Kerubiel's eyes are lightning, his voice is thunder, his footfalls are earthquakes, and the beat of his wings are typhoons. He is the flame in the heart of crusaders and farmhands alike that lights up the darkness of fear and despair. The symbol of flaming heart is found upon the standards and shields of many crusaders.

The saint associated with courage is Saint Zakarius. Zakarius was a prince of Xalhotecca who led a crusade against their Matalese neighbors. He was blinded in battle and left to die in the jungles of Matal. He did not give up.

Zakarius crawled through the jungle, tearing his clothes and flesh on the thorns and brambles of the underbrush, but did not falter. When he heard the roars of a lone white lion, he stood his ground and, when the starving beast fell upon, he wrestled it into submission. The beast was in great pain and Zakarius discovered the source by the smell of the beast's foul breath. He forced the beast's jaws wide and using his barehands found a rotten tooth. He ripped it free from the beast, forcing out of a might roar and then silence. The beast knelt before him, grateful for the relief, and the prince had the lion's loyalty. Saint Zakarius climbed astride lion and, miraculously, he was returned to his people.

He would later die in combat. He was sainted as the paragon of courage.

Symbol: Empty Goblet

Tzadkiel is the Angel of Temperance. He is associated with the sky and the rain. He is the calm between stormfalls and he is the rhythmic crash of the waterfall on the meditative soul. He instructs the children of the Nameless God in the values of abstinence and self-control. Tzadkiel is called upon by those that have strayed from their god's path to resist temptation. A flag with the empty goblet is flown above establishments that abstain or are abstaining from serving alcohol on holy days.

Saint Mawbius is the patron of temperance. He was the wealthy lord oft a Xalhoteccan city that was cursed by the scourge of a dangerous narcotic drug. The drug infected every level of the city's population from the lowliest beggar to even the priesthood. Mawbius was even an addict and threw opulent parties that lasted days for his supporters. It all changed when Mawbius's own son died from abusing the drug. Lord Mawbius was filled with such grief and anguish that he sought out a monastery in the mountains to absolve himself of both his guilt and the addiction. He had heard that most failed the process or even died, but he endured. When Lord Mawbius was cured of his addiction, he returned to the city and spent his entire fortune and the rest of his life fighting the drug by creating clinics and programs to help his people free themselves.

He died at the blade of an addict who mugged him outside of a clinic. He was sainted as a symbol that redemption is always possible.

Symbol: White Rose

Bariqueia is the Angel of Generosity. She is an angel who brings abundance to the children of the Nameless God. She is a celestial being that represents the wealth of nature. Her face is cloaked in hair that falls around her like blessings from above, her wings are those of the hen and the game bird and in her hand is a parcel of wheat. Bariqueia instructs those with to share with those without. Soup kitchens and other charitable organizations that are famously ran by the Nameless God's faithful often use the white rose as a symbol promising hope to the downtrodden.

Estabos is the saint associated with generosity. Estabos was a Xalhoteccan rural magistrate in known for his administration: he made sure that all the peoples that worked on the lands in his county were well-fed, that they had access to healing and education, and that they were allowed time for worship. Even as a war broke out between Estabos's city state and their neighbor, he worked hard to take care of his people, and bribed the military by selling off his own treasury to keep the path of the armies far from their lands. Eventually, a harsh winter fell upon the land and both city states struggled. The neighboring city state's food reserves had been destroyed by Estabos's city state's army and the people began to starve. Estabos bore no ill-will to his neighbors and sent them food relief. When the military discovered his actions, he was tried and executed for treason.

Later, Estabos was sainted for embodying the virtue of loving his neighbors.

Symbol: Brass Horn

Hanilla is the Angel of Joy. Joy is the purest form of pleasure and happiness. It is positivity. She is the chief musician of the Nameless God and is cast in the same brilliant brass as her horn. She is the spirit of festivity and good-will. She is accompanied by a chorus of angelic voices and she carries joyous prayers like song into the heavens. She is naivete of childhood, the exhilaration of youth, and the gratitude of adulthood. The brass horn is a symbol of choirs and youth groups.

Goodbob is the saint associated with joy of life. Goodbob was an orphan raised by friars in a monastery in the Shield Mountains who was known for his obedience and cheerful spirit. He was known for his good humor, playing small pranks on his brothers, and always having a good word for any man. He was beloved as a master of ceremonies, frequent guest of festivals and teacher of children. His joyful spirit inspired those he met and, when they asked Brother Goodbob how it was that he remained so positive, even in times dark and desperate, he would share his faith. His grateful spirit was infectious and he soon became a popular personality. He became a teacher of the imperator's children and accompanied them on diplomatic trips across the Zafarian sea.

Goodbob died at an old age when he sacrificed himself to save the imperator's children from a would-be assassin. He was sainted and a festival associated with joy, wine, and children is held in his honor called St. Goodbob's Feast to this day.

Symbol: Golden Lion

Jagudiel is the Angel of Glory. He stands tall with a flowing mane of gold, fine robes and a king's scepter. He is the war-cry of the righteous commander, he is the hammer of the judge's gavel and he is the declaration of kings. Jagudiel instructs all who act in positions of power who take pride in their work as instruments of the Nameless God. The Golden Lion is a symbol that is a dual-edged blade: it is a symbol of one's certainty in their righteousness and is a weapon wielded against hypocrites who display it.

Klayford is a the saint associated with glory. He was a conquistador famous for his bold campaigns to the east and south of the Imperium. He also discovered many ancient ruins, exploring them, and brought back gold and artifacts to the imperator's vault. He was an important military and political figure who was involved in both conflict and the resolution of conflict between the Imperium and Hamutia. Some view him as a controversial figure with many criticizing his methods as ruthless but no other figure in recent history has contributed to the expansion of the Imperium. His is a name associated with those who seek glory for the Imperium and glory for god.

He ultimately died in battle defending his southern colonies from the native Raj-Hamutians. Many landmarks in the Imperium are named after Klayford.

Symbol: Red Bident

Kamatl is the angel of honor. Honor, in the Imperian sense, is the embodiment of worthiness and respect from society and one's self. It is one's reputation. Kamatl is the oath-keeper and his footprints are red with the blood of promise-breakers and cowards. Kamatl is a threat against the disobedient, the deserters and the disingenuous. Red Bidents are often painted on the gravestones of criminals, especially deserters, and often soldiers who flee battle but return to their post have the bident tattooed on their body as a reminder to maintain their resolve.

Corbius is the saint associated with honor. Corbius was a legend known to be the greatest duelist in the Xalhoteccan Empire. He lived a life bound by honor and won countless duels. He never broke the rules, he never accepted duels that were beneath him and he always was respectful to his opponents. He always showed restraint. His legendary status meant that countless opponents challenged him and he quickly became overwhelmed, not only by challengers, but by those wishing to ambush him and prove themselves worthy. His career came to a crashing end when, after winning a duel against an opponent, discovering that rather than a young man, he had slain a boy who hardly a child. He laid down his blade and disappeared from the public for years out of guilt and disgrace. The state of dueling in the empire fell to ruin as young men fought to claim the title of the top duelist. Eventually, a duelist arose who was without competition and cut a swath through the youth of the empire. Corbius returned and challenged the dangerous villain. Their duel was tense and Corbius's opponent was desperate: the villain threatened bystanders, he threw sand into the old duelist's eyes and used every other dirty trick to throw Corbius off balance. But, bloodied, Corbius fought on until he disarmed his opponent and forced a surrender. Corbius showed mercy after making the opponent promise to train with him. He started a monastery specializing in dueling and swordplay and wrote a book on the subject of honor.

Corbius died defending one of his students from a crooked opponent and was sainted.

Symbol: An Hourglass

Elerial is the Angel of Patience. He is a weary angel who rests in the coiled branches of a tree with a staff in one hand. He gives strength to the diligent student, hope to the faithful pauper and resolve to the determined heart. Patience is the virtue associated with passage of time and endurance of the faithful. The symbol of the hour glass is often found in masonry of scholarly institutions representing that it takes time to master knowledge and is found in many parlors and waiting rooms as a reminder to those waiting that "good things come to those who wait".

The saint associated with patience is Saint Lara. Sister Lara was a priestess in a city of Xalhotecca during a time of great upheaval. She had a vision of Elerial that she needed to instruct Xalhoteccan prince of her city to help to alleviate the problems that plagued the common folk. She made her way to the palace and requested an audience. She was told to wait. The sun fell and she was told to return in a week. She left and returned ten days later. She was told to wait. The day came to an end and she was once again told to wait. Resolutely, the faithful servant of Xalhotecca and the Nameless God would repeat this process for years. As she traveled, she would stop to help those she could, spreading the word, and writing down their grievances so that, when she did meet with the prince, she could show him how turning a blind-eye to the common folk was harmful. Decades would go by and she was ignored. One night, the guards went to escort the old woman down the steps from the palace's courtyard and discovered she had passed away. News spread of her death, waiting on the prince, and the next week a great host appeared before the palace. They were all the people Sister Lara had helped and their friends and family. They demanded the prince's attention and, to placate the mob, the prince's advisor took Sister Lara's letters and notes she had collected over the decades and brought them to the prince. The prince was compelled by the story, having never even known of this woman and, after reading her work, was so moved that he made it his priority to listen to his subjects and became a wise ruler.

For her determination, Sister Lara was sainted.

Symbol: A Heart Shaped Key

Kindness is helpfulness towards others, especially those in need, not in return for anything or for some future advantage but for the benefit of the one being helped. Galeb is the angel of kindness.His wings are great golden arms that stretch outward to lend a helping hand to others. He is the supportive hand on the shoulder, the moment an embrace is welcomed and the breath of relief when an apology is accepted. Compassion is key but kindness is the door that it opens. Teachers, priests and priestesses that work with children often carry a key of Galeb as a symbol to remind them to remain focused on helping others.

Saren is the patron saint of kindness. Saren was an army volunteer and served in many imperian campaigns. Before becoming a knight, Saren was a brother who worked tirelessly at the orphanage where he had spent his youth. When the orphanage needed funds, he offered his services as a volunteer to the imperian army. Brother Saren was non-violent and helped the doctors and healers to treat the injured and dying. He proved himself a studious assistant and quickly became indispensable on the battlefield. He earned a reputation for giving the same level of medical assistance to prisoners as he did his own people. This was indispensable when Saren tended to the wounds of a captured hamutian prince. Saren befriended the prince and shared his faith. When the prince's army rescued him and took Saren's medicine tent, healers and injured included, it was Saren's kindness that not only saved them from harsh treatment but also touched the heart of the prince. Inspired by his compassion, the prince led peace talks that ended the conflict and saved countless lives.

Saren would later die of plague that he caught while working in one of several orphanages that he helped build and operate. For his works, Saren was sainted.


Symbol: A Raised Hand

Honesty is the expression of truth. Too much honesty shows a lack of restraint but living a life that is free of deceit, truthful and sincere is righteous. To deny one's true self is harmful. Jophiel is the angel of truth. His wings are a light the parts the veil of lies and deciet. He is found in the confession booth, in the diary and in the proclamation. A servant of the Nameless God that is true to themselves can find their destined path. The raised hand is found on confession booths in temples and is symbolic of the xalhoteccan's practice of offering a body part, such as a hand, as a sacrifice if they are caught lying.

Cristara is the saint of honesty. Cristara was a bonded knight and bodyguard of a xalhoteccan lord on the journey across the sea to Sublanarya. She swore fealty to him and would protect him at all costs. Their ship had been put on high alert after it was discovered someone had been stealing valuable rations. Cristara discovered her lord was responsible and she was torn between her oath and the truth. When another investigation uncovered the stolen goods in their quarters, Cristara offered herself as the offender. The punishment for the crime was to be tied up and thrown overboard into the sea below. Before she was executed, her lord confronted her and begged her explain herself. She explained that she had told the truth: she had not prevented him from stealing and, therefore, it was her fault. As she was thrown into the sea, the lord threw himself onto the deck and confessed his crimes, begging to take her place but it was too late. The rest of the ship was satisfied with Cristara's sacrifice and, in her memory, spared the lord.

The lord would later dedicate many good deeds in her name and Cristara would be canonized for her integrity.


Symbol: A Rainbow Eight-Point Star

Phanae is the angel of wit. Wit in the xalhoteccan sense refers to a combination of cleverness, intelligence and inventiveness. Phanae's wings are made of stardust. They are present in the moment of discovery and guides curious minds towards finding new solutions. Phanae is the inspiration of artists and engineers alike. The rainbow star that is Phanae's symbol is often printed onto materials used in drafting such as compasses and scales.

Saint Gratu is the saint of wit. Gratu was born in the city of Croma shortly after its foundation. While raised in poverty, he would seek out apprenticeship and became a prolific artist at a young age. But Gratu was more than an artist. Gratu was one of the greatest minds in the Imperium. As well as an artist, he was a philosopher, a writer, an inventor, a scientist and an architect. By befriending the Imperator, he had the means to expand his studies and work greatly. It was through this partnership that he was one of the designers of the Gates, improved the sewage systems of the Imperium, made incredible discoveries about the human body, improved the star charts and left every medium he touched improved.

Saint Gratu's fate is a mystery. He went missing while on a quest of discovery.

Symbol: Clasped Hands

Muri and Uri are the twin angels of friendship. Each angel is supported by a single wing so that, together, they can fly. They are found in the in-jokes between friends, the aid and support of neighhbors, and the healthy relationships that defy all convention. Their goal is the strengthening of bonds between all people, regardless of color or creed. Clasped hands are found in charms hanging from bracelets and necklaces traded between friends as symbols of these sorts of strong bonds.

Saint Dulin is the patron saint of friendship. Captain Dulin was a zafarian pirate who discovered his faith in the Nameless God after falling ill from a plague and being nursed back to health by an imperian healer. He traded away his life of profit for the greatest gain of all: salvation. Dulin offered his services to transport diplomats throughout the Zafarian Sea. He proved to be an invaluable ally to the imperian efforts to broker peace and long-term agreements between the imperians, the zafarians, the hamutians, and even the thuleans. He worked tirelessly in the field until he become an indispensable ally in the imperian efforts and was awarded diplomatic status as an official representative of the imperium. His greatest crusade came when he established the Freedom Fleet. This naval force, operating to this day, works to combat slavery in the Zafarian Sea and has been responsible for the liberation of many men, women and children.

Captain Dulin's ship was sank by pirates and he was canonized for his service.

Symbol: A Sword and a Hand Dripping with Blood

Raag is the Angel of Justice. He is known to be the swiftest and most feared of angels with one black wing and one white wing representing guilt and innocence. He is present in the balanced judgement passed down by priests, he is found in the heart of those who seek vengeance, and he is said to guide the swing of the executioner's axe. Raag stands as a blind executioner, one hand dripping with blood and the other carrying the sharpest sword in heaven, usually represented by a statue, in every court of the Imperium.

Saint Jas is the saint of justice. Jas was a priest trained in law in the city of Croma. He earned a reputation as a shrewd legal representative and, when serving on the court, a dedicated juror who insisted on swift but accurate rulings. He served in several crusades beyond the Shield and into the Hold, where he would become deeply involved in the military court and revolutionized the system used by armies abroad when it came to trying and convicting soldiers committed of crimes, by establishing a brotherhood, now called the St. Jas Brotherhood, that specializes in adjudicating under the most unusual circumstances.

Saint Jas himself was assassinated by conspirators who were concerned about which side he would take in an important case. He was canonized shortly after death.

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